
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Parliament proposes new compromises ahead of final round of CFP talks

The final round of negotiations in the fisheries reform are expected to take place this week, 28–29 May. The Parliament’s rapporteur today sent a letter to the Irish presidency proposing changes to the latest bid from Council.

While the Council claims that the new position they adopted 15 May makes significant concessions towards the parliament, MEPs do not agree.

”In spite of claims to the opposite, EU governments are moving in the wrong direction and are trying to wriggle out of putting the CFP on a sustainable footing. The latest Council mandate is even less ambitious in a number of key areas,” Green MEP Isabella Lövin said in a statement on Monday.

MEPs from the group Fish For the Future sent a letter to the Parliament’s rapporteur, Ulrike Rodust, calling on her not to accept the Council’s latest proposals without changes:

”For all that the Council claims to have moved towards Parliament the position it has taken is in too many respects far removed from that of MEPs. It omits key elements and substitutes legally binding commitments with platitudes. Were the CFP Basic Regulation to be adopted in this form it would be regarded as a severe disappointment and a missed opportunity.” the MEPs wrote.

Ulrike Rodust on Monday sent a letter to the Irish presidency with a number of key requests fo new compromises.

Trilogue negotiations with Council, Commission and Parliament are scheduled for Tuesday 28 May (18.30–21.00) and Wednesday 29 May (20:30–23:00).

CFP Reform watch.