
Friday 24 May 2013


Is this yet another story covering how the fishermen of Scotland, England, Ireland or Wales feel about the treatment they receive from the media and big green organisations like Greenpeace?

"In recent weeks we have seen with awe on television angrily attacking various characters extraordinary fishery management measures recently enacted by the Ministry of Production. I say surprise because I never  had media put so much attention to the fisheries sector.  How can these characters, some illustrious unknown, other recent graduates of "experts" in fishing, whether for weeks across all channels-including several times in the same program, with the same song? It makes me much to think about. Why all the noise? Because fish have lost control and Fisheries Ministry had always."

Fishing at the mercy of the media - time for fisheries leaders to fight back

Port of Ilo. Artisanal fishermen said No! to the exploitation of hydrocarbons 
By Machaca Toribio. Defense Marina.

These in turn one by one were refuted by artisanal fishermen. Exhibitors persuaded at all times with the argument "not consulted before now if they are informed consultation" "There royalties" "There will be Canon" "There will be scholarships, training of fishermen" "There will be environmental impact studies." "The undertaking operating oil should listen and cater to fishermen. "
Artisanal fishermen at all times showed your interest by answering exhibitors explanations but they had to wait their turn at the end.

"WE ARE NOT IGNORANT". - Representative of the divers with so much insistence on returning exhibitors to come and explain the issue of hydrocarbon exploration and even said "We are not ignorant. We do not need further explanation. We understand all that we have said. The exploitation of hydrocarbons going into our fishing grounds. "

"IF WE ARE GOING TO BE MEMBERS MAY BE". - Representative bolichitos hinted that the exploitation of mines, oil all is for foreign companies. In Peru only give alms. "In our work area we protect artisanal fishermen" Jokingly indicated "If we are to be partners could be"

At the insistence of artisanal "Where are the authorities in the region. They should be here to listen to the voice of the fishermen "The representative of Energy and MinesRegionMoquegua, Who was going completely unnoticed. He said "Gentlemen I am here very early before anyone had arrived" On the subject of the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons compared to the regions of Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna said "I understand them. You artisanal fishermen are directly involved in this issue. If considered to be affected should provide more information PERUPETRO absolving the concerns of fishermen.

 Defense Marina. - "Lords of PERUPETRO you are listening to fishermen. You said "other activity can not stand" I took his word. Artisanal fishermen are saying that only the sea off Arequipa, Ilo and Tacna is a fishing area and not going to accept that it is a oil zone. Another activity can not stand. Today in southern Peru are 8,000 fishermen in1015, 20 years will be 20,000. An oil platform it support to 20,000 families?

You have to understand artisanal fishermen. All we are asking for is justice. They work in a sea maimed have not200 miles. They protect the5 miles marine as a breeding resource. They fought with the flour industry. But work all year in the remainder of the200 miles. After capturing the shark summer, later this fall began to catch squid. The bolichitos go beyond the50 milesto find the beautiful horse mackerel, mackerel when.Quite early summer working with the parrot. Artisanal fishermen protect their resources.Not capture a single resource to exhaustion. They left fallow species they catch.

What a bad luck! Now comes PERU PETRO to tell the fishermen that will endanger its activity with the risks that exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons. Understand you to fishing. You do not waste time. The southern area of ​​Peru with its sea maimed is a fishing area and not an oil zone. You just like PERUPETRO workers are allies of artisanal fisheries understanding their just demand and concern "

FACT laughable. - After explaining the speaker on far enough away that it was the lot of maritime delimitation Z60 with Chile. When explained that oil flows, migrated according to the type of bedrock. Among the attendees fishermen. Among murmurs and laughter demonstrating "Right now we will probably start saying also goes for chili oil"

Check out the artisnal fishermen's web site here! - and make use of Google to translate it for you in the Chrome browser!