
Friday 31 May 2013

IFCA and the European Marine Sites (EMS) information sessions coming to Cornwall - not to be missed by some!

EMS information session

If you need to get better informed about the potentially damaging (income-wise) Marine Sites that are planned for introduction in the not to distant future then you will need to get along to these meetings being hosted by IFCA!

Cornwall Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority is making changes to fishing in European Marine Sites. Cornwall IFCA will be holding three drop-in sessions to consult with the fishing community and wider public on these changes. European Marine Sites (EMS) are designated areas of the coast and coastal waters that are covered by tidal waters and protect some of our most important marine and coastal habitats and species of European importance. 

There are six EMS which are either wholly or partially within the Cornwall IFCA District. The Department for Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has changed its approach to management of EMS and as a result Cornwall IFCA will be bringing in new by-laws to control fishing activities which may damage the most important species and features within these protected sites. As part of the consultation process, Cornwall IFCA will be holding three drop in sessions where anyone who is interested will be able to find out more information, talk to officers and inform the management process. 

The sessions are: 

3 June 14:00 – 20:00 Long Gallery, New County Hall, Truro TR13AY. 

10 June 14:00 – 20:00 Guildhall, Fore Street, East Looe, PL131AA. 

18 June 14:00 – 20:00 Fisheries Centre, St Clare Offices, Penzance TR183QW 

All are welcome to these sessions and if you fish in any of the proposed European Marine Sites, or have an interest in the conservation of the marine environment it is particularly important that you try to attend. 

If you would like to discuss anything in advance of these meetings please call us on: 01736 336842 or e-mail

For more information about the national approach to fishing in EMS please visit the Marine Management 

Organisations website