
Thursday 23 May 2013

Finding the fish fighters all at sea!

Despite some reservations, there is plenty of support from many within the industry for the actions of the Peter Bruce aboard the Budding Rose after challenging Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall to sail with him and his pair partner the Lapwing to see at first hand the amount of fish on the ground...

the AIS track shows where the pair team decided to go and fish - south west of the Shetlands.

on the same lines, here is a letter in response to an article that appeared in the Daily Telgraph this week:

SIR – As a fisherman, I must comment on Geoffrey Lean’s article on fisheries reform (Comment, May 11). It is rumoured that there are 2,600 amendments tabled, so any clear way out of this mess is doomed.
The main problem is that fish stocks are not dwindling but increasing. Cod and Dover sole are doing very well in the North Sea, with many of my colleagues having to find grounds with fewer fish on them for fear of catching too many. The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science says there are more plaice in the North Sea now than when scientific work began in 1960. Similarly, haddock are increasing in the Channel.
The quotas are so small that discarding is inevitable, and because we are not acknowledging the rising stock levels we will continue to discard.
Paul Gilson 
Leigh-on-Sea, Essex
Comments below:
Interesting to see how many of the response to the letter focus on membership of the EU rather than the state of fish stocks per se!

  • Commenter's avatar
    Good letter - but what makes you think that logic has anything to do with the EU's decisions? The evidence points in exactly the opposite direction.
  • Commenter's avatar
    Excellent letter and so so true
  • Commenter's avatar
    Just another reason to leave the EU
  • Commenter's avatar
    They are feeding farmed salmon chicken,time for a new food scare,but none of the regulators are bothered,as usual they will arrive when its too late.
  • Commenter's avatar
    Would stocks be increasing because the other fish are getting a feast from the discards of the trawlers?
  • Commenter's avatar
    There are now far too many restrictions on fishing. Just let us have our fishing grounds back from the EU and leave Britain free to police them.
  • Commenter's avatar
    Agreed...we could take our own 200 mile limit (although I suppose that in the English Channel and Irish Sea,we will have to compromise with an imaginary line down the middle)
  • Commenter's avatar
    Thats how it used to be.
  • Commenter's avatar
    "As a fisherman".
    Hm.  I wonder if there is a hint of a vested interest there.
  • Commenter's avatar
    So what, at least he declared his interest and it probably means he knows what he's talking about. EU and UK bureaucrats also have a vested interest in controlling (or destroying) our fishing industry, but do it under the guise of objectivity, the wider interest and scientific fact, which may or may not be true.