
Thursday 21 March 2013

Thursday's market full of fish

Lemons always gladden the hearts of fishermen when the contents of the cod end spill on the deck at this time of year...

as do John Dory, but not when there's only on decent 'handbag' for the entire trip!...

with the forecast giving 8s and 9s later the market felt the full force of the breeze coming in from the south...

magnifique monk from the Sea Spray...

while the Imogen III plastered the market floor with her best trip of the year so far...

as did the beamer fleet that filled the rest of the available floor space...

along with the very best in inshore fish put ashore from the smallm coves around the coastline...

the western end of the market was awash with net fish, big cod, ling, haddock, coley, pollack...

and hake...

with a few of the blackjacks stilboots mode...

plenty of interest in the black art of cuttles...

down the quay the small tug MTS Valiant talkes cover...

talking of towing power, it was fantastic news to see Mike Corin's new boat, Sapphire II get a full trip in from the off!...

all kept a close watch over.