
Tuesday 5 March 2013

Movie Silent Killer about the loss and story of the trawler Bugaled Breizh

Bugaled Breizh is Breton for Children of Brittany

The one and a half hour film documenting the search for the truth behind the sinking of the boat showing to a packed room in The Centre, Newlyn...

Patch Harvey (left), now cox of the Penlee lifeboat with Bugaled Breizh skipper and owner who was ashore at the time was called out that day to help in the unsuccessful search for survivors...

after the film, Michelle Douce managed to catch up with a few of his old Newlyn fishing friends some of whom he had not seen for over twenty years!

Today, Breton team with the model boats will join in the St Piran's Day celebrations and parade in the centre of Truro,