
Thursday 28 March 2013

Initiative to educate thousands of school pupils on benefits of seafood

Seafish to support British Nutrition Foundation's first-ever Healthy Eating Week with an engaging programme of activities for schools and nurseries

Seafish (the UK authority on seafood) is supporting the British Nutrition Foundation's (BNF) first-ever Healthy Eating Week (3 to 7 June 2013) to educate children and young people on the benefits of eating seafood and help address the lack of a formal framework for nutrition education within schools.
The initiative will help Seafish to reach hundreds of thousands of children and young people of all ages across the UK. Over 1,650 schools, representing some 770,000 children, have already registered to take part in the week and BNF expects this number to keep growing.
Speaking about their involvement Karen Galloway, Head of Marketing at Seafish said: "The British Nutrition Foundation's Healthy Eating Week is a fantastic initiative which has already secured some impressive results, and we are proud to be involved.
"It is absolutely vital that children and young people understand the importance of seafood as part of a healthy balanced diet, and by supporting the week we will be helping hundreds of thousands of children across the UK to do just that."
"Research has shown that many people are not getting enough of some of the essential nutrients that seafood provides - this is one of the reasons why educating consumers to help them make informed seafood choices is a key priority for Seafish."
Roy Ballam, Education Programme Manager at BNF added: "We are delighted that Seafish is supporting Healthy Eating Week, helping to promote good messages about diet and health to children throughout the UK. The collaboration seeks to engage children of all ages with food and nutrition. For example, there will be opportunities to learn about the nutrients provided by fish, investigate where fish comes from and cook some delicious seafood dishes."
In addition to their support for Healthy Eating Week and the information, tips and recipes they publish via the FishistheDish website, Seafish is delivering a number of fun and engaging educational initiatives for family members of all ages. This includes the Healthy Happy Hearts programme, which highlights the importance of the Omega-3 fatty acids for good heart health.
Seafish have also been working with the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) to increase the seafood presence on their teaching website, Food a Fact of Life. As part of this activity, the BNF featured a seafood poster on their website and in their Education Bulletin for March - this reached over 7,000 teachers. It was also as a key part of their conference materials in 2013.
Schools can join Healthy Eating Week for free at:   
For the latest Seafish educational information for consumers