
Wednesday 20 March 2013

If the men are at sea - how the women of Women of Europe support their fishermen husbands.

Keep informed and up to date with the latest work from the EU Fisheries Committee via their regular publication, Trawlermen. Here's an excerpt from the latest issue of that highlights the work undertaken by the wives of fishermen who being away at sea are not best placed to fight for their livelihoods - food for thought guys!

Due to these long absences at sea, it was difficult for the fishermen to gather around their cause, so the role their women play has been essential to raise awareness of precarious working conditions and safety on board.
These women have also joined fishermen's wives groups in France to share common practices, exchange information, organise workshops and trainings. The network of fishermen's wives has nowadays a clear international dimension. 
With their actions, they have contributed to humanise the work of the fishermen, dignifying it and requesting from the public authorities due respect to fishermen and their families. The role of women in fisheries deserves to be recognised in its full extent as it is an integral part of the human dimension of fisheries - fishing being a human activity.

Anyone care to point me in the direction of similar groups in the UK?

Are we missing a trick here?