
Thursday 28 February 2013

Up for an award - Pirate Fishing Exposed: Video

Pirate Fishing Exposed - The Fight against Illegal Fishing in West Africa and the EU (4 minute) from Environmental Justice Foundation on Vimeo.

Sierra  Leone, a small coastal state in West Africa, has seen a dramatic drop in Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) or 'pirate' Fishing following a groundbreaking investigation by UK-­‐based NGO Environmental Justice Foundation. 

During the dramatic two-­‐year investigation set out in the new report Exposing Pirate Fishing, EJF documented rampant illegal fishing in Sierra Leone by vessels exporting fish to the EU. 

EJF  has been working in partnership with local fishermen in Sierra Leone since the beginning of 2010 to document and report illegal fishing. The  groundbreaking project based near the rich fishing grounds of Sherbro Island in the south of the country, involves local fishermen calling an EJF coordinator on a mobile phone when they witness trawlers fishing illegally. A speedboat boat is then deployed so that photo, video and GPS evidence of the boats' illegal activities can be gathered.

Read EJF's new report about illegal pirate fishing, find out more on
and Sign out to our petition!

Pirate Fishing film by EJF,  and  nominated for an award 

This film by EJF exposes the continued role of the European Union and East Asian countries in facilitating a market for seafood illegally caught in West Africa. Following a two-year investigation by EJF this film and the associated report “Pirate Fishing Exposed” highlights how local fishing communities are fighting back to combat this illegal trade.