
Monday 11 February 2013

No discards - a run down of today's conversations on Twitter

Did you know?

ENGOs invested more than 70 millions US$ in direct lobbying - in Europe!

On the surface, lobbying would appear to be a fair and necessary means to garner facts, data and opinion from the key players and stakeholders in any given arena. 

The tweets below are just a few of those relating to reactions from around Europe in the wake of the historic EU Fisheries Council ending discards following a huge media campaign in which the UK played a significant role - largely through the public interest/awareness of Hugh Fearnely-Whittingstall's TV Fish Fight campaign. 

How much weight has been given solely to environmental factors alone?

How can we be sure that the NGOs and other lobbyists - the bigger global ones funded to the tune of millions of pounds/dollars by 'blue charities' are acting in the interests of all?

Keep the question simple: Should the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) be primarily focussed upon environmental factors?

The fishmeal plants are happy it seems!

 Sorry, this is a rhetoric tool called. combined to  well known from strategists

  1.  Hands on experience shows that short soak times & light gear results in better quality & lower mortality 
  2.  Low mortality rates for discards in selective inshore fishing. Careful husbandry of the sea 
  3. Who cares more for the small fishers?  or  investigation is worrying for sustainable fishing.

get rid off lobbying !!! and do not forget latest vote on fishery in EP

  and sorry, but 'asking my MEP' is a widely used tool as for equiv new media-bashing especially with social media ;-)

  can you tell me who finances with only this lobbying needs real transparency

  if it's lobbying, it is a tool that is widely used in Brussels. Also, I do not promote my view points... 1/2

  sorry Joris, I was talking about lobbying in fisheries funded by a little hand of US foundations read report in FR ;)

  sorry Joris, I was talking about lobbying in fisheries funded by a little hand of US foundations read report in FR ;)

 great cfpreform but tell me what do we do with all the fish we catch and are forbidden to land,no quota or no licence etc..??

Committee chair & fisherman : "We have the interests of the home fisherman at the heart of everything we do."

  Stick to peeling tatties and cooking fish and don't get involved with quota issues that you know nowt about

@pechefraiche @salmoskius Discardsban is Going back to the old days of industrial Fishing = Cheap joke sustainable EU Fishing

 RT  2 new members join NFFO today in North East.Small scale inshore fishermen.Thx for yr support.More intend to join

  Chaz they will start advertising,,Norwegian and icelandic fish though,,,they pay 75% of the seafish levy not us!!

no discard, cheap supply for fishmeal, full 100% exploitation of marine protein via   IFFO welcomes EP vote

Fishmeal & fish oil industry/IFFO welcomes EP vote; Potential for use of fish  & by-products  

We can reverse overfishing & reduce  if "bold action is taken & sustained"  Looking towards  for leadership.

When I want to influence a MEP, I go to the POLL - I don't go to the poll to elect an ENGO   financed by who?

  Discardsban is Going back to the old days of industrial Fishing = Cheap joke sustainable EU Fishing