
Wednesday 6 February 2013

Last–ditch effort to save EU fisheries approved by Parliament - discards no more! - will this be enough save the fish stocks in Europe?

Today,the European Parliament voted for the largest overhaul of EU fisheries policy in decades, designed to cut fishing to sustainable levels and ending the practice of throwing away fish that is over quota.

Find more details in this press release @

The new rules will set catch limits in line with maximum sustainable yields, meaning vessels won't harvest more fish than a stock can reproduce. They will also ban fishing discards and ensure better long–term planning based on reliable scientific data.

A major reform of the EU's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) which aims to cut fishing to sustainable stock levels, end dumping at sea, and base long-term planning on sound scientific data, was approved by Parliament on Wednesday. Overfishing is widely seen as the worst failure of the current CFP, dating from 2002. The new one is to take effect in 2014.

For a more in–depth look into the new EU Common Fisheries Policy, check the EP Library briefings @

Parliament now has to negotiate with member states – this time as full co–legislator – before the changes can become EU law.

This is the fourth round of fishery reform since 1983, aiming to close the growing gap between fishing capacity and resources. Check out what Members say about it on the EP Newshub @ :

will this be enough save the fish stocks in Europe?