
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Julie Girling, MEP fisheries representative for the South West

Latest tweet from Julie Girling on fishing in Brussels:

News Fisheries Council sounds good but the devil is in the detail. watering down of discard ban will be vigorously opposed by EP in trilogue.

See Julie's web site for more information and contact details - as your regional MEP, let her know how you feel - she is their to represent the fishing industry in the region - make use of her contacts and position!

Julie is a member of the EU Fisheries Council - here is her stance on the industry. If you have any thoughts or comments, let her know!

Save Our Seas

As a member of the Fisheries Committee, I am fully aware of the dreadful situation regarding discards and am working to make sure the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) brings to an end fisheries management rules which force fisherman to discard immature or out-of-quota fish or else face prosecution, which in many cases in unavoidable.

Of course, with the reform of the CFP due to take place one of the most important issues for our fisherman is to end the current discards debacle. This process results in 750,000 tonnes of healthy fish being dumped back into the sea annually in EU waters. The European Commission has recognised that fish discards must be brought to an end and the European Fisheries Commissioner, Maria Damanaki, has expressed her desire to end this preposterous activity.

However, the Commission has admitted it may take more than a decade to implement this policy. This is simply not good enough and we will work closely with skippers, fisheries managers, scientists, environmentalists and fellow members of the European Parliament to bring forward plans to replace the ludicrous rules.

In the South West we have a number of innovative practices amongst fisherman such as the Brixham Beam Trawlers where discards have been reduced by 50%. Commissioner Damanaki is very impressed with these results and has committed to review the CFP with small fisheries in mind

Watch Julie talking about 'The Big Fish Fight' HERE

Watch Julie discussing fisheries issues HERE

Fisheries and the ECR

Our manifesto commitments for Fisheries. We will:

  • Fight for wholesale reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) to make it more efficient, and address the failings of the current policy. 
  • Encourage sustainable practices so that they benefit both the environment and those whose livelihood depends upon the industry. 
  • Give communities a greater say over the future of their fishing industries, enabling those with specific knowledge of the local fisheries sector to provide input into fisheries policy and take charge of their own local resources. 
  • Bring an end to the scandal of fish discards. Take forward the marine and Coastal access act and ensure that its conservation measures are implemented effectively, including the creation of marine conservation zones. Firmly oppose any resumption of commercial whaling and do all we can to ensure that the international moratorium stays in place.