
Friday 15 February 2013

Hugh's Fish Fight fires huge salvo at scallop shells!

Sadly, this programme whilst being well intentioned, was incredibly one sided and as ever played loosely with the facts. 

If you missed it - be not ye fooled and watch the programme here:

Here are a range of tweets from during and following the show - firest in a new three part series on Channel 4.  The first was exctly the reaction you maight now expect from members of the general public having been subjected to a very one-sided and poorly researched and put togther - now a hufe number of people are thinking that scallops should be off the menu!

Did anyone else watch #fishfight last night and think, I'm never eating scallops again!?

A few local comments by more informed viewers like Nathan.....

@Cornish_fish #fishfight great shame, could have focused on great strides made by industry in recent years, demonising fishermen not helpful


  I was making a point that the RFS scheme backs fisherman to fish responsibly with conservation in mind!

@RobinPirates why after the huge efort the uk fishing industry has put in over last 10 yr are there still those who want to misslead public


#fishfight one sided propaganda at its worse .recreate a coral reef on a beach then drag a dredger through it ? This doesn't happen.

then there were no end of outraged viewers comments......

#FishFight watched the first program tonight and could not believe the damage caused to the seabed by the dragging equipment

Fishermen hit out at Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall for putting people ... via @Telegraph #SustainableFishBIZ #fishfight

Fishermen hit out at Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall for putting people ... via @Telegraph #SustainableFishBIZ #fishfight

@hughsfishfight how do i get in touch with the fishfight?

@coinneachmackin I can't bear to watch it cause you know what shite he will come out with. So took wife out for a nice meal. Scallops hahaha

HFW your off my Christmas list What happened to free range chickens???

@FishStock1 unfortunately ths prick @rivercottage @hughsfishfight gets a stage to stand on 2 preach his flawed philosophy,lies#ch4bollocks

@fishywillie according to the MMO VMS maps it's about 30% of bottom never fished. So much for his 0.0001% TOSH!

Oh you prat #fishfight nd how much of the seabed is fished by nobody??

@a11yjr @hughsfishfight someone who creates debate and forces us to rethink how our fish is caught can only be a good thing

@finandflounder @hughsfishfight are you for reel.

@finandflounder @a11yjr @hughsfishfight beam trawler & scallop dredger appropriate sandy bottoms where they do fish! They don't fish on reef

@hughsfishfight why no mention of the closed areas we have in Scotland .. 350 closures in 3 years .. Cod spawning closed areas!

@hughsfishfight we fish same areas year after year. Why do we still get best fishing there? #dontbelievehugh

RT @coinneachmackin: @hughsfishfight pisspots that know fek all should say fek all when u don't know all the facts. #eejit #facts #knowledge

What is very reassuring for members of the industry was Seafish's instant response both during and after the show to come back with some real hard evidence - not just sensationalist stunts pulled on the beach with sandcastles!!

Seafish trials with industry to reduce to discards are showing positive results… #fishfight #fishfacts

To find out more about our work with the fishing industry on MPAs and MCZs, contact us:… #fishfight #fishfacts

Here are the days at sea that scallop dredgers in the UK spend… #fishfight #fishfact

Here are the days at sea that scallop dredgers in the UK spend… #fishfight #fishfact

Anyone watching #fishfight read then argue

For anyone following HFW's campaign, we recommend you follow our friends @seafishuk - the best source of info

Let's look at an untouched reef system(unfishable anyway)then look at th shale/sandy barren ground scallops live on and scaremonger#bollocks

There are many different types of MPA, designed and designated for different reasons, find out more:… #fishfight

RT @coinneachmackin: @hughsfishfight pisspots that know fek all should say fek all when u don't know all the facts. #eejit #facts #knowledge

Thanks I would tell skipper but no phone signal! Off to get some shut eye was up at four with skipper to pack him up etc zzzzzzz ;-)

@GingerbreadBake @Happy_Appetite Protecting our seas is vitally important for social, economic and environmental reasons we agree.

@ClassicSeagulls: @DevonScallops HFW is a ***** what you do an produce is 1st class!!” Hear Hear 👏

@hughsfishfight let's have marine protected areas for our fishermen ..they are the most endangered species !!

Well skippers over 6 miles off shore as I type, best tell him to come in as what he does is a waste of time!

@FishStock1 @DevonScallops @sithefish1 dive caught scallops don't stand alone. Numerous product sales exceed capture.

Our maps help show where dredging takes place in the UK, very targetted, take a look… #fishfight #fishfacts

Dredging is just one of three techniques used to harvest scallops #fishfight #fishfacts

Fishermen have been working closely with ENGOs and Government on establishing Marine Conservation Zones for many years #fishfight

@ClientEarth @HughFearnleyW @hughsfishfight do u not realise that's sandy sea bed? Totally different bottom than which he was divingon #lies

@chelseafish @DevonScallops @sithefish1 2% dive-caught V 98% dredged. Probably more diver-caught are sold than are caught if U get my drift!

@chelseafish @DevonScallops @sithefish1 2% dive-caught V 98% dredged. Probably more diver-caught are sold than are caught if U get my drift!

Wonder how many bricks went through TV's tonight #fishfight

@hughsfishfight dungeness fish hut fishing for tomorrow check out the website sustainable fishing at its best!

Jeez. Why not just film a fisherman beating a baby seal to death with an undersized cod. While wearing an Al Qeida t-shirt. #bollocks.

@FishStock1 @DevonScallops sensationalist and damaging to an already struggling industry. There are far bigger industry issues...

For more info on fisheries and conservation in the IoM see #fishfight #fishfacts

@realMarkLloyd @DevonScallops not most honest journalism ever on TV but probably most exaggerated! Sandcastles above tide line! Phoney!

@Ajax_Hake he admitted on the bbc one show he aint a chef.He's a campaigner,foodie,ecologist, full time lying prat?#fishfight #eatmorefish

How do we balance the needs of fishermen w/ protecting fish stocks? Better gear is one solution via @nytimesgreen

Much as I love Hugh's passion, this is very sensationalist and mis-representative..

@seafishuk @hughsfishfight #fishfight #fishfacts unfortunately he does not let the truth stand in the way of a good story. Publicity seeker

@micheljkaiser its good to see someone with a distigushed scientific back ground explaining some facts about the fishing

@hughsfishfight dungeness fish hut fishing for tomorrow check out the website sustainable fishing at its best!

Well by sounds of it thats hugh gibbering pish again, go back to you're kitchen, dont bother speaking about the fishing you're uneducated!!!

A bit more monks in today. Support UK fisheries. #eatmorefish…

@LapwingPD972 he has nothing positive to say about any form of responsible fishing, hate,disbelief, scaremonger the public to eat horse?

@hughsfishfight why have you not mentioned our CCTV scheme??? That should be your flagship!!! I can't understand it??

For some proper underwater footage of a trawl see here.… #fishfight #fishfacts

No doubt there will be many more!