
Thursday 28 February 2013

Do you know your fish?

How well do you know your fish?

To Morrison's fishmonger - that's what it says on the label - this is not cod - c'mon Morrison's!

Spotted for sale on the wet fish counter in Peterhead, the UK's top fishing port.

Immediate response from one blog reader:
@ThroughTheGaps absolutely amazing. I don't know if a man can laugh or cry!

Through the Gpas supports John's Fish Fight - John's Fish Fight which has been set up to encourage the consumer to eat more Scottish Haddock. Ocean Venture's haddock are MSC, with full traceability straight from the North Sea.

Despite the public being led to believe that there are no cod left in the North Sea, the boat is currently experiencing very heavy cod fishing...

one of the boats featured in the Trawlermen series on the BBC, this shot shows her fishroom literally full to the deck with cod - after only a few days at sea.