
Friday 18 January 2013

Aaron Mcloughlin has started a discussion: Campaign to Continue the Discarding of Fish

Aaron Mcloughlin has started a discussion: Campaign to Continue the Discarding of Fish

"There is a campaign to stop the discard ban. You can see the petition @

I have provided the Google translate version of the petition below:
What I find strange is that the trials in Denmark and the UK have shown that these concerns are not founded. It is true that any change will require new efforts and potential new costs. All change runs risks. But, the current system allowing discards has clear negative effects. It will be interesting to see how the petition does. Attention: MEPs. After the vote principle of European Council of Ministers of Fisheries, Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament voted on 18 December in favor of the proposal from the European Commission to ban discards. Such a proposal, although appealing in terms of sustainable development and seemingly simple, is nevertheless totally inapplicable in this state because it is proof of the total ignorance of this economic sector. This is why professional fishermen are opposed for the following reasons
 ■ current European regulations for safety of ships (carrying capacity of vessels) for fisheries regulations (compliance with the regulation on technical measures and quotas) and in health does not allow it.
■ the mode of remuneration of fishermen and social legislation does not permit also. Any work worthy salary, it is not conceivable to ask sailors to work, sort, store fish without financial compensation.
■ any reduction of discards must go through an effort in terms of selectivity and fine management of fisheries, efforts that professionals have voluntarily undertaken in recent years but it takes time and financial resources.
■ States that apply a ban on discards in the world, are so very limited and not comprehensive. Their experience should be used to implement at European level, a realistic policy, measured, which aims to make the productive sector a dynamic, sustainable source of employment and wealth along European coasts.
Therefore, before you decide for or against a ban on discards, all signatories of this petition held to remember some essential elements of this debate."