
Wednesday 5 December 2012

Blue Business in decoding Ecological issues

More comments resulting from Peche Development's report on Blue Charities connections within the European fishing industry and their attempts to present the industry in a bad light.

Fishery: Blue Business in decoding Ecological issues

The French NGO “PĂȘche et dĂ©veloppement” has made a big wave in the sea of already-made ideas about sustainable management of the fishing resources. Its report “Blue Charity Business” ( shows that many NGOs committing against overfishing (WWF, Greenpeace, New Economic Foundation), which contribute through their lobbying in Bruxelles to conduct the on going reform of the European Common Fisheries Policy, are widely funded by a small group of big foundations, mainly American.

Yet, these organisations choose to wrongly  present fishing activities as a whole as an organised looting of the seas, warns the report. Warning is also issued to the beneficiaries (E NGOs). Foundations also promote a privatised management of the fishing quotas. Such influence could result in a drastic drop of fishing employment, to which public opinion is formed by false messages presenting a caricatural image of environmental impacts of the fishing industry.