
Friday 16 November 2012

Eating, it's what we do

Pondering popping a few peanuts in your mouth for a quick snack to spending hours grafting over a hot stove to keep those demon hunger pangs at bay fills a good deal of our daily lives. For some, and all too many in the world, popping a few peanuts might constitute a feast while for others agonising over a whether to have a Pétrus and Romanée Conti to accompany their filet might be their greatest concern.

On a day-to-day basis most of us find ourselves in some sort of middle ground  with the occasional foray to either end of the eating spectrum depending on circumstances - from a drive in Big Mac out of desperation to blowing a little more at a recommended local eatery.

Sometimes, perhaps once in a lifetime or less, the opportunity to enter into to some sort of gastronomic Twilight Zone might come along. So when Rob and Di Coke won themselves a 'meal for two' prize, did they ever for one moment think that at some stage during said meal they would carefully investigate a small kilner jar full of ice by releasing the lid only to have live shrimp make an immediate bid for freedom - intrigued? 

Read on.