
Wednesday 14 November 2012

Blue Charity - A Dutch response.

This article has been published in full courtesy of November 10th, 2012 by Rypke Sailmaker.

Referencing the original Blue Charity post on the blog from last week here:

Strong U.S. lobby for European fisheries to form for private purposes 


In line with my rapportjes about WWF , bringing the French researchers Alain Le Sanne and Yan Giron recording the amount of money lobbying American donors like the Pew Foundation invest in green NGOs in Europe between 2000 and 2011. The summary can be downloaded HERE. 

The scope of the study is similar to that of Vivianne Krause which American private funding of Canadian green groups obstruction mapped: but sturdier without nationalist sentiments. 

Corporate / private interests by pushing under mask of 'nature' 

It's NGO's often co-sponsored by the government-that the European Common Fisheries Policy, launched in 1983 - want to transform their wilderness ideal. And by eliminating marine users as fishing favoring private interests, such as the offshore wind industry and corporate grant-operators. Oh no, the whole world revolves around money except in environmental clubs ... 

The French researchers come over a period of 10 years at $ 222 million expenditures: 

 a $ 75 million spent on direct political lobbying 
 b. $ 90 million to science (which you often see that this unilateral alarmist and is used as a lobbying tool in media) 
 c. $ 57 million to a " sustainable seafood scheme'van 2005-2011 

Protest Bonuses paid for transformation to private interests , 

there are dozens of NGOs active in Brussels that their ideal of a wilderness underwater on European fisheries want to stick, and that there American money for capture. These are: 

Oceana, New Economic Foundation,, Marine Stewardship Council, Marine Conservation Society, BirdLife International, ClientEarth, WWF, Greenpeace, Pew Environment Group, Seafood Choice Alliance, Seaweb, Environmental Defense Fund, Fisheries Secretariat, North Sea Foundation (FOUNDATION THE NORTH SEA), Bloom Association, OCEAN2012, Fish Fight, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition, Shark Alliance, Seas at Risks, OCEANS5. 

In the Netherlands, Greenpeace also already 40 million blank checks from the Postcode , WWF annually nearly 20 million. This fundraising protest industry bulges out of the money without public transparency about their activities and their impact on the economy. 

I wrote how the WWF office in Brussels 6.5 tonnes per year to get the European Commission to belobbyen and that tens of millions of euros aid money to be made from. The ecofascisten of Friends of the Earth in Brussels get a sloppy 4 ton for that same purpose. But there is also another bag of American private money, to put Europe back to the Middle Ages to throw. How many dollars you get sweetest Christien? 

The future: NGOs who do not obey shall not fish course, everyone has his own ideal of nature have, Sanne and Le Giron call the ideal of NGOs of underwater wilderness an 'interesting philosophical thought. But they see fishing and fishing grounds as a public law that public should be managed, and that this affects private lobby. 

American model of European policy 

on the basis of earlier-by NGOs supercharged-transformation of fisheries in America speak Le Giron Sanne and their concern that through the CFP now an American model (launched in 2006) is introduced: 

A group of 'elected' fishermen's chosen accordion thing to virtue ecological criteria defined by an ENGO 
As soon as the Privatization of the fishing right is Decided through a fisheries policy reform, 'elected' fishermen are Encouraged to pool Their fishing rights in a sustainable fisheries trust. 
They received a financial support from the ENGO back to buy the fishing rights of the non elected fishermen. In at least two U.S. cases, we have properly identified a support or Roughly U.S. $ 4 M. Non elected fishermen who do not have enough fishing rights must stop Their activity. 
Then the sustainable fisheries trust runs the fishing rights (which ones?) At a lower loan to the fishermen who address the new norms of ecological virtue. These norms are probably defined by the ENGOS. Remaining fishermen are so strongly dependent synthesis from fishing rights to go On Their activities. 
As soon as the size of the fishermen group has strongly reduced, a strict area-based management is Implemented, Mainly based on no-fishing zone 

Hunting is French public law 

since the French Revolution is the right to hunt in the French constitution, so this French mistrust of conducting a public law is also fishing understandable. The CFP - performed by the bright green Guccicommuniste Maria Damanaki - is again a return to the feudal era, which only companies can survive the ecolabel and the support of the green brownshirts enjoy the voorkeursvismethode apply based on unilateral alarmist science. 

Restrictions and legislation drafted by green brownshirts 

Le Giron Sanne and conclude that the goal is to fisheries to form the ideological criteria that NGOs such as the WWF itself drawing. We see that the ECOQUO of OSPAR and the requirements of the Framework Directive Marine where all fishermen for 2020 to be satisfied that Janette Worm Waddenvereniging fielded : there is also according to Le Sanne and Gyron every reason to doubt the objectivity of the criteria . Strategy for 'blue growth': more windmills at sea, fishing off also refer them to the European strategy for "Blue Growth" , in which the offshore wind industry to grow and fishing sea. A similar strategy in the Netherlands in 2004 in the National Spatial defined and translated into IBN Sea 2015, co-produced by Han Lindeboom: national lobbyist for underwater wilderness since 1990. Imares to tens of millions of euros catching chores with advice from the TKI offshore wind, and deserves much more on speculation than consulting fisheries. 

Ultimately, "the natuur'alleen but used as an excuse to make more money, and the French found that green NGOs especially serve as a vehicle for private and corporate interests. 

CFP: More burden, small business bankruptcy in favour of large 

also through the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are restrictive rules in European policies through democratic means nothing you can do about it. As we now see in Natura 2000, an entire sector for fait accompli. The ideal of green-brown shirts as discussed in the CBD is at least 20 percent of all existing fishing grounds off tackle, preferably without looking at the socio-economic consequences. With VIBEG are we in the Netherlands on their way to beautiful. 

Outside the Netherlands that will not soon succeed, but all regulation and forced consulting Not Selected Organizations (NGOs) that, through media campaigns and hysteria forcing does lead to an increasing burden mainly smaller benevolent companies in the market pushes. Usually without measurable profit nature. 

I would like to see how the French have come to their amounts, but the story has become very recognizable.