
Thursday 8 November 2012

'BLUE CHARITY' BUSINESS - Who finances conservation lobbying on European fisheries? - more transparency needed.

Lorient, the 8th November 2012

Just published and released to an expectant media, the French NGO Peche and Development group based in Lorient are hoping this paper will give both the Media and the public a better informed view as to the state of fisheries management in European waters - those that are subject to the Common Fisheries Policy in all its guises. Perhaps the most worrying aspect of this report is the news that millions of pounds is being donated via charitable trusts themselves funded by huge corporations that might just have av ested interest in swaying public opinion away from fishermen all to often cast as the bad boys!

Taken straight from the Peche and Developemnt web site:

The French NGO Collectif PĂȘche et DĂ©veloppement has the pleasure to present you the report, “BLUE CHARITY BUSINESS”. We consider this document is of a great interest for public opinion, NGOs and for the fish industry.

In the current framework of negotiations of the European Common Fisheries Policy Reform, it is very important that any players which try to influence the debates should be fully transparent.

This report brings into the spotlight the donators of the Environmental NGOs which are currently lobbying in Brussels for public opinion.

The funders are part of a small group of mainly American Charity foundations, who have invested several tens of millions of US$ to support these lobbying activities.

Why ?

Read on in and find out why here in an abstract of the main report:
the charts and tables from the Appendix can be viewed or downloaded her:

and if all this looks as though it might be a case of unjustified paranoia, read on.......
published courtesy of Nils Stolpe from the FishNet USA web site.