
Wednesday 24 October 2012

The Young Man and the Sea - where are they?

From Maria Damanaki's blog:

Discussions ongoing among EU ministers in the Councilshow that views are still divided on the future financial instrument for fisheries and maritime affairs, which theCommission proposed in December last year. So we are continuing discussions to find the best way forward to secure the implementation of the reform.
This reform of the Common Fisheries Policy and the funds that will serve to back it have to contribute to offering a better future to our youngsters.
The future of fishing is ahead of you.....
"If we do not manage to attract the young in the sector, the reform itself will be more difficult: they are the ones who can bring innovation, that are open to the diversification and are better aware of the need for sustainability.
The fund that I proposed is designed to offer a number of opportunities for youngsters: for instance for training and for diversifying their activities through pescatourism. But I understand that entering a profession that is extremely hard work, dangerous and where your income can fluctuate so much, requires a lot of commitment. It is a choice dictated by the love for the sea.
I want to go a step further and give a positive signal to all regions that want to attract the young into fisheries and support aid to young fishermen to buy a second hand vessel with a maximum of 15% of the price of the vessel and 50 000 EUR.
What I propose is a reform for the future; without including our young in that future, there won’t be a reform.