
Sunday 7 October 2012

Open Art in Newlyn

North Corner was home to Newlyn School artists, Ernest and Dod Procter

so on Open Day...

there's a chance to enjoy some of the many local artist's studios that have thrown open their doors...

Newlyn Copper Works' Michael Johnson being one...

and Red Simpson being another...

happy to let visitors inside his studio...

and enjoy what was once the Procter's gardens...

now home to some of Red's copper fish...

and glass fibre reliefs...

including his latest work, Fish Cellar...

that tells the story of Pilchard fishing...

some of his more conventional work celebrates the play of lines and links created by the braided trawl net and chain link mat on beam trawlers...

there are a myriad of interesting house name plaques around the village...

and hidden away in a little walked passage of High Mountains is one of the maze of tunnels that link properties with the harbour - the Smuggler's Hotel has one such tunnel running from the cellar bar down to the water's edge...

these days the adits that run down the middle of Newlyn's streets are modern interpretations of the old open sewage system...

some Newlyn gardens enjoy views right across to the Lizard...

evidence of the warm village climate...

more red spots...

old Newlyn resident...

Keel Alley, sadly filled in...

Stevenson's wet fish shop major overhaul underway...

you jave until the 12th of October to enjoy the art at the Newlyn Gallery...

filleting mackerel for supper, filleted  skines, pin boned and rubbed with curry powder - 10 minutes in a hot oven...

some jolly foreigners in Newlyn.