
Friday 19 October 2012

Fish on a Friday

With just the one big boat landing and many ports around the coast affected by the weather and big tides fish prices were strong on the market this morning...

though not so much work fro the grading machine...

one of the Nowell fleet against the quay...

loaded with fresh and frozen bait, Porthlevener Jeremy ...

takes the Nazarene to see for a day on the pots...

let's hope the Ivan Ellen doesn't get any more unnecessary shouts this week...

chance to pick up a bargain, one Sea-King for sale at a good price...

and if the mood takes, pop along to the Newlyn Gallery and enjoy some of this year's Newlyn Arts Festival events...  

Tom gets a close look at Venus in the morning sky...

just as well the lights were green...

the Gry Maritha carefully nudges her way through Ross Bridge after leaving Penzance Dry Dock...

under watchful eye of harbour master Neil...

one of the few people who get to drive a swing bridge.