
Sunday 23 September 2012

Sunday supper

Accompanying the dish, wilted home-grown cavalo-nero - one of the few success stories from the garden this summer! - with a few cloves of chopped garlic and olly oil...

a slight variation on a dish from Mitch Tonks' Fish Easy - with the tarragon fresh from the garden...

the accompanying pasta dish, using mushroom fried in olly oil and a dash of butter till golden alternating with a layer of the wilted greens (could use spinach)...

the skinned Dover sole oiled and ready for an oven grilling, the dressing...

a mix of tarragon, butter and a few dabs of gentleman's relish (no anchovies in the cupboard - an excellent substitute)...

gets poured over the fish as a garnish straight out of the oven - the Dory sneaked in as an afterthought!