
Saturday 29 September 2012

Sapphire sails Saturday sees an empty quay

Wooden gurdy, once seen aboard every mackerel tosher in Cornwall now taking pride of place in a local junk shop window...

In the bookshop next door is another view of the Mount...

three classic work boats huddle in the wet dock...

still undergoing a complete overhaul this looks like another example of an RASC (Royal Army Service Corps) 68ft Battlefield Class HSTTL - High Speed Target Towing Launch, built by British Power Boat Company... 

the same boat from the stern showing the heavy marine ply construction...

just out of the dry dock,the Defender ready for action with a gun mounted on her fore deck...

and another on her stern, she's waiting for sailing orders before heading off to chase latter-day pirates on the high seas...

pebbles and seaweed separated by the old causeway stones...

two wheels are good...

art house - Newlyn  Gallery...

heading out Through the Gaps...

the Sapphire drops her derricks before raising them 35˚ to keep the boat steady whilst steaming off to the grounds...

despite the completion of a major refit there's no sign of the Algrie going to sea just yet...

which this morning makes her the only boat in the Stevenson fleet to remain in port...

at 18 feet, one of the bigger tides of the year...

James Batten, boatbuilding repairs seeks work...

the fine weather has the punts back at sea again...

Cornish company Consols Oils provides power to the fleet...

and covers all of the county...

Michael Nowell winches fish from the beamer, Louisa N aboard a waiting lorry bound for Plymouth market...

the tall ship, Joanna Lucretia has a temporary berth in Newlyn....

while the port's resident old timer is up on the slip...

for some below the waterline repairs and maintenance...

forewarning of a tight squeeze up by the Fisherman's Arms...

current window display in the Framer's Gallery...

hake bargains opposite the fish market...

life beside the sea.