
Friday 21 September 2012

Friday's market is full of fish

Making her way to the gaps...

after spending the night dodging up and down the western shore of Mount's Bay...

the ex-fishing boat Arctic Warrior...

fuel time for the beam l'il 'ol tiger William Stevenson...

all in a night's work, mullet...

and cream on the cake boxes of bass...

a day's inshore trawl fish... 

and line caught squid don't come any better than these guys...

there's still plenty of big cod to be had in the Western Approaches it seems...

the day breaks outside the fish market...

and it's good to see harbour master Andrew up and about at the crack of dawn giving words of support to some of the Cornish sardine boat skippers as they prepare to land their night's haul...

the last few brails come up from below on the Little Pearl...

Dan the sardine man doesn't hang about...

as his last shot gets iced away in insluated tubs...

safely moored, Atlantic Warrior which flies a Danish flag...

taking bait aboard the Emma Louise.