
Friday 7 September 2012

Fishy Friday feast

Bleached white and well worn granite on the prom enjoy some early sun...
as the Bay wakes...
with huge quantities of fish being landed this week all over the European ports the buyers will be looking for the best possible prices

two varieties of gurnard...

Tom's prime lemons from the Harvest Reaper...

and a message from fellow inshore trawler skipper Mark on the Elisabeth Veronique to arch rival Tom!...

Sea Spray contré jour...

there's always a way to get to the back of the van..

almost ready for sea again aboard the big scalloper, Jacoba...

L'Alpe Bleu in shadow, this year's Turner Prize entry...

the port's biggest creep...

gear safely stowed on deck aboard the Sapphire...

those harbour worms have run out of supper almost...

freshly roped pots all set for the Emma Louise...

the wagons are ready to roll...

Smart buying.