
Friday 7 September 2012

Fishy Friday BBQ at Rinsey Beach - minus the sand

Laden with beach, BBQ kit and enough sardines, mackerel squid and home made burgers to feed eight including the grand kids it came as a bit of a shock to find the beach at Rinsey was minus a viat ingredient - namely the sand - strong southerly winds a few weeks ago had removed the beach! - this is what it normally looks like...

time to prepare the fish, simply gutted...

and washed, plenty of fresh water to hand...


with a little help from the sous-chef...

the fish and squid are soon on the go...

time to eat with some of Vicki's delicious bread...

time for the burgers and bananas for the kid's dessert...

when the rapidly advancing tide...

came ever higher despite the efforts of some to emulate King Canute...

time to head back up the cliff path...

leaving the bass anglers to it...

the slopes proved a heady mix for some...

the end to a perfect Cornish summer's eve...

homeward bound towards an azure sky.