
Friday 21 September 2012

Fishing grounds, SPAs, SACs, MCZs, Oil Exploration, Wind Farms, Fishery Regulations......= The Big Squeeze!

The map above is taken from the ArcGIS web site which hosts a multilyared chart of the waters around the UK and bordering other Eurpoean fishing countries like France, Belgium, Denmark and Holland. 

The key to the colour coded areas is below and the data layers include:

-          oil exploration and exploitation (purple and sand color + blue points)
-          offshore wind (red – no fishing inside for UK side)
-          Natura 2000 (SPA and SAC) existing and proposed + MCZ + Marine parcs : brown (proposition) and blue (existing)
-          Some special areas regarding protection of vulnerable marine ecosystem and fishery regulation (still incomplete). (lines without colour filling

This “all data map” can be split it in several submaps with less layers.

European rich traditional fishing area will be under pressure. See Dogger Bank with the size of the offshore wind area…!

A closer look at the south west reveals the extent of the areas now covered by the above interests.....