
Friday 20 July 2012

A very fish Friday full of promise for a sunny weekend - j'espère!

Overlooking Mount's Bay and the best fresh fish going, what better place to start your wedded journey.......
pretty tranquil this morning, maybe, just maybe the sun will henceforth shine on Kernow.......
Kevin on the good ship Bess certainly hopes so as he heads out from the gaps......
inside the market is buzzing with auction action this morning with fish from four beamers.....
like these lush lemons from the Trevessa, expect to see these beauties served on the bone at the Tolcarne when Mr Tunnicliffe swings into action early next month......
not so common are these great weavers, one fish to be avoided with bare feet - most likely beach to get caught out is Sennen.......
big bass by the box...... 
and the reddest of red mullet.......
it's all concentration as the price for bass climbs......
will the cloud disperse?.......
still work to be done on the St Georges......
with one 'side' or beam trawl still to be built, tubs to get the 3-linkers sets aboard wait for fresh supplies of chain link......
the Ocean Fish sardine fleet at the ready........
paint up time for one of the Nowell beamer fleet......
extensive art work is not only on display at the Orion Gallery in Newlyn......
how to get your nets aboard the lorry without snagging on everything in sight, clever stuff Mr Hosking.......
proper job buffs........
back in the market there's a box of monk cheeks that will no doubt be on several Cornish restaurant's Specials menu this evening.......
as will the livers, there are some chefs who rate monk liver pate on a par with foie gras - must get some to try again.......
good to see the grading machine being used to sort prime fish from one of the big net boats......
there's a blue hue to these fish, London bound maybe.......
along with these spotty characters......
the head on this monk would have given a diver a shock should one have come face-to-face in the deep!......
a trio of boats head up the harbour view this morning.......
a bargain boat up for sale..........
all is quiet out on the anchorages.......
look out for more news in the first week of August.