
Thursday 5 July 2012

4th July - a first for Through the Gaps!

Hopefully, this will be the first of many posts from Mullion punt fisherman, Kevin Penney aboard the good ship Bess. With his trusty iPhone in hand and some technical wizardry Kevin should soon be posting pics and comments live from sea. Here's a taster of what's to come with a run down of yesterday's fishing in Mount's Bay. Nice one Kevin!

Not many boats ventured out yesterday, weather keeping the inshore fleet in port, but a few did...
Francis hauling pots off Carn Du
On his way across to report his progress
4 keepers from 10 pots hauled, both of us reporting lots of smaller lobsters showing up, good sign for the future, then off up to Tater Du...
local beamer Sapphire with skipper Mike Corin at the helm heading out...
Some nice crab showing up, this one weighing in at 2KG
and lobster as well...

and here's the first test video, shot at sea just off Lamorna Cove.......

seen here on the inset map.