
Wednesday 20 June 2012

Under 10s - Crucial! CEFAS is seeking Under 10m vessels to participate in self-sampling trial

Pass this on to a fishing friend! If you get involved YOU could earn up to £2,500 and do your bit for the future of Under 10m fishing in England!

Cefas are conducting a Self-Sampling trial with Under 10m vessels over the next 2 years, mainly using static gear. It has been mentioned numerous times that management measures for the under tens are imposed with no real evidence to support them, and that because of a lack of any evidence the industry have no argument for opposing them. 

The Data Collection Framework (set by Europe) for Cefas is robust and detailed but suffers from a lack of coverage, particularly from the Under 10m fleet. Understandings of the catch and discard patterns of the Under 10s is limited and there is a shortfall of information when compared to the Over 10s. 

A Self-Sampling scheme is an efficient and cost-effective data collection method that can be combined with observer data and involves fishermen in the assessments. It aims to contribute to a better understanding of fleet diversity and provide data that would normally be inaccessible. 

An advert and the Invitation to Tender will be in this week’s Fishing News. Hopefully, plenty of fishermen apply, especially those who stand up at meetings and say there’s no evidence – now’s your chance to provide some! 

Download and print off your own copy of the application form

Cefas is seeking 30 Under 10m vessels to participate in a two-year self-sampling trial under the project SESAMI – Self-Sampling of the Inshore sector. The aims of the project are twofold: 1) to collect evidence from Under 10m sector to support them in fisheries management decisions; and 2) to monitor discard patterns and develop strategies to reduce discards generated by Under 10m fishing vessels. The trial will take place between July 2012 and June 2014. As part of Defra’s project on practical steps towards reducing discards by the English and Welsh fleets, the SESAMI project has also received funding from EFF through the MMO. 

The project will be conducted by the Applied Fisheries Science and Technology Group at CEFAS, and managed by a Steering Group including representatives from NUTFA, IFCAs, MMO and Defra. We are looking for 15 Under 10m vessels fishing in Area VIId and another 15 Under 10m vessels fishing in Areas VIIe, f, g, and h to take part in the trial. Vessels that use different fishing techniques will be considered but priority will be given to vessels that use gill, trammel and tangle nets, and hand lines. In the interest of transparency and fairness, a selection protocol will be applied to all respondents. 

There will be a financial incentive for vessels that participate in this trial. 

The project will be conducted in two phases. 

The first phase will involve data collection by skippers and crew, and the validation of the data they collect by Cefas Observers. Observers will board participating vessels at agreed times with vessel skippers. 

In the second phase, participating vessels will be involved in trials to develop the most selective configurations and strategies for their gear. “This project is much needed as the Under 10m sector has been largely ignored when it comes to on-board sampling of their fishing activities. 

Historically, management and access decisions have then been made based on either very little or no data. It is very timely from a CFP timeline and I would urge all the Under 10m fishing fleets concerned to take part. The data collected will provide evidence to support future management decisions that more clearly reflect the particular beneficial aspects of the inshore fleet. 

Conducting the project in two phases is also effective as it will enable us to learn from the trial and feedback on progress,” said Jerry Percy, Chief Executive of NUTFA. 

CEFAS’s Dr Stephen Mangi, who will lead the project commented that “This project is in response to the Under 10m fishing fleets wanting to gather evidence on their fishing practices and we hope that vessel skippers will get involved. 

In the absence of robust information on discard levels, there is no evidence to support the preferred management options of different fishing sectors or to dispute the assumptions driving unsuitable proposals. Scientific observer programmes often suffer from low coverage relative to the total level of fishing activity, and therefore self-sampling will supplement the data collected by Observers.” 

For more information, contact Stephen Mangi on 01803 858636; 07827986113; or 

If you would like to take part please contact: 

For the South West, Samantha Smith on 07979 067 510 or 01736 350653 

For the South East, Simon Armstrong on 07979 575 776 or 01803 858636 

Act now! - the closing date for applications is 29 June 2012.