
Thursday 28 June 2012

Children of Chernobyl

The most amazing sea bird to see in action at sea, gannets can dive from 100 feet at up to 60 mph in search of fish like sardines, read Jonathan Livingstone Seagull to get in the mind of a gannet, the same bird that gave inventor Barnes Wallace the inspiration for his ground breaking swing-wing supersonic passenger airliner models that he trialled at Predannak airfield in Cornwall.......
no sign of the rising sun just yet........
at low water........
all set for tomorrow's sale.......
top quality fish predominated the market this morning from Dovers on the Cornishman.......
plenty of megs.......
the bass boat Boy Dylan on top form again........
with a good shot of line caught pollack from the Sea Spray.........
handsome haddock.......
and JDs from the Elisabeth Veronique.......
and plenty off lemons......
all set for those sardines.......
top end of the derrick close up......
resting after a night chasing sardine marks........
the Lady Maureen with gear stowed on deck......
that low cloud is still hanging over the harbour.......
thanks to Mount's Bay Rotary Club the children of Chernobyl get the fishy facts from Robin Turner at the start of the Newlyn tour which includes breakfast at the Mission followed by a tour of the lifeboat Ivan Ellen.......
Rotarian stalwart Karsten Nissan explains some of the finer ponts of life in a fishing village to children for whom this is the first time they have been to the seaside.....
the bowling green is looking particularly verdant this morning.