
Wednesday 9 May 2012

Sustainability pledge from the fish friers gets thumbs up from HRH!

Salt 'n vinegar Sir?
The National Fish Friers' Federation announce sustainability pledge following meeting with HRH 

The Prince of Wales His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales today met with representatives from the National Federation of Fish Friers (NFFF), past and present Fish and Chip industry award winners of both the Good Catch Sustainability award and Young Fish Frier of the Year competition, along with senior representatives of the sector's leading fish suppliers. 

 Meeting aboard the Marine Scotland research vessel FRV Scotia, moored at Leith Harbour, Edinburgh during the World Fisheries Congress, The Prince of Wales discussed practical ways in which the Fish and Chip sector can help to ensure sustainably sourced fish stays at the top of menu and in the mind of the consumer. He heard from fish and chip shop owners, from suppliers and Young Fish Friers of the Year, Zohaib Hussain and Carlyn Johnson, presented their vision for the future of the sector. In conclusion Gregg Howard, President of the NFFF presented a pledge to ensure sustainably sourced fish in the nation's Fish and Chip shops. Realising this will mean working with suppliers, supporting well managed fisheries, educating shop owners and consumers alike. 

 Initially a Responsible Sourcing Code will be drawn up by the NFFF in conjunction with the Young Fish Friers group and Good Catch Award winners. Fish and chip shops throughout the UK will then be urged to share the good practices in fish sourcing, to help ensure that the fish they are serving has come from well managed sustainable fisheries. Another great achievement for today's modern fish and chip industry would be the ability to serve ‘conscience free' cod or haddock to their customers. 

The NFFF has agreed to work with the Marine Stewardship Council and Good Catch to support fish and chip shops wanting to gain the MSC Chain of Custody certification, and to provide a simplified process that allows more shops to become involved. The NFFF also joined over 100 other signatories from around the world, in signing up to the Prince's International Sustainability Unit's global declaration on good fisheries.