
Monday 14 May 2012

Plymouth to Fastnet and back 650 mini update

With the wind blowing in from the west sou'west for the last 20 hours.....

the Mini 650 yachts are having to tack just where they probably don't want to - right across the traffic separation zone between Land's End and the Scillies - at least the visibility is good.........

Englishman, Jake Jefferies has decided that he will head way down to the southard in order to get a better run with the wind, hoping it will back sou westerly or more southerly at least to give him a fair wind for the next way-point - the Bishop Rock to the west of the Scillies - will his move pay off?

The Royal Western Yacht Club is pleased to welcome back the Classe Mini sailors for 2012The competitors set off on Sunday 13th May on a 561 mile course that will take them from Plymouth to Fastnet Rock via Eddystone Rock and Bishop Rock, then on to the Coningbeg Light before returning to Plymouth. The Classe Mini yachts will race in two classes, Series and Proto. The Series yachts are production models, whereas the Protos are one off designs.