
Wednesday 30 May 2012

Mourning Saturday morning memorable Mission moments.

No more cheerful Saturday morning cha and chat with the girls....

Here's the disastrous news from the Mission skipper in Newlyn......

No more grumpy old gits...
"We announced in the mission yesterday a change in our operation.

No more quiet games of Euchre...
 We will no longer have the canteen open on Saturday mornings.  

No more refuge for yellow wellies......
All of the Missions around the country, that have canteens, are working to this model as well.

No more skipper hauled out of bed to cover for poorly Friday night, Saturday morning staff...
Thank you to everyone that has supported us on Saturdays and urge you to continue that support for this charity during the week." 

Keith at the Mission control.

PS The Mission will be open of course as usual from Mondays to Fridays serving fine tea, good food and bon hommie!