
Tuesday 8 May 2012

Mini 6.50 update

Mad Spaniel, one of the Lymington to Plymouth via the Wolf contenders is currently still trying to get to the Wolf Rock lighthouse - and at 1.7 knots things are moving pretty slowly for the Kiwi, Geff Duniam. It's bad enough for the Kiwi to discover that in the UK at this time of year the sun is hardly a source of heat! No doubt Roger aboard the inshore trawler Imogen II,  who is only a short distance away, will have spotted the tiny yacht after checking the blip on his radar against the AIS readout, small yachts were notoriously difficult to spot and identification nigh on impossible - what a difference AIS has made at sea, to the safety of all concerned.

Two other 6.50 contenders are just SW of the Mad Spaniel, unfortunately they are both now on the home run to Plymouth so sighting them running in the opposite direction will provide little for the crazy dog boys to cheer about!

Local sailmaker Woody from Solosails will be willing the boat on - they are sporting one of his sails!