
Monday 7 May 2012

Lymington to Plymouth via the Wolf - Mini 650 update

 After all the mini yachts made it safely round the Isle of Wight overnight they headed for Swanage Bay and hugged the shore in the early hours of Monday morning......
 a coupe of hours later and the tightly bunched fleet, apart from Mad Dog who seems to be taking some very creative tacks at times, have left Portland Bill way behind......
by 10pm on Sunday evening the wind, gusting up to 35 knots has spread the fleet, and the unfortunate Mad Dog has been forced in to Plymouth with repairs big enough to put her out of contention - Jake will be gutted as he was up near the front before running into problems.......
coincidentally, a bigger fleet of similar yachts were racing from the French port of La Trnité to Plymouth, chances are that with the visibility being poor none of the boats sighted one another despite their paths crossing!