
Thursday 24 May 2012

Kathleen and May

One of the most significant of English historical ships, well, the Katheleen & May.......
and not just because she is the last three masted topsail schooner afloat.......
but because on seeing this ship, HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, finding her laid up and redundant in the River Torridge in the mid 60s then decided to start the maritime trust using her as their initial exhibit firstly in Plymouth, Sutton Harbour, and then for the latter years in St Katherine’s dock London - we owe him for this move - just like we have Prince Albert to thank for such iconic instituitions as the Great Exhibition and the V&A Museum - closer to home we now have the Cornish Maritime Trust that looks after the maritime history of a county where no one is more than 14 miles from the sea.........
the has been owned by Plant Hire Company's boss Steve Clarke since 1998.......
and as you walk on the deck of the boat and look about.......
you begin to appreciate the love, care and attention to detail that has been lavished both topsides......
and down below in the old hold......
when she was used mainly to haul coal in her early years........
the engine room sports an unusual hydraulic drive for her props.....
the helmsan's view for'ard.....
and from astern of the wheel........
the original cargo winches must have seem some serious sweat fall to the deck.......
as would the main sail winches as she was worked four-handed!........
so, looking at the size of her it would be a fool who picked a fight with one of the deckies aboard her!.........
view looking across the deck of the James RH - the Kathleen & May is on her way to London where she will be moored opposite the Queen during the jubilee celebrations on the Thames - no doubt she will give owner Steve Clarke a wave as she awarded him an OBE not so long ago!