
Wednesday 16 May 2012

All at sea makes for a quiet market

 The jackup rig Seafox 7 has been joined by a Customs boat this morning, according to the WorkFox web site the rig is an Accommodation and Maintenance Support rig and its present location is the North Morecambe Field in the British sector, Irish Sea - the second time in as many weeks the rig has been held up for weather - there's also a crew change for the tug to sort first........
 time to stretch the wings at Wherry Town.......
 a handful of boxes graced a very quiet mid-week market.......
 with most of the fleet now in the middle of their trips......
 all eyes will be on the Algrie waiting for her to leave the port for the first time in a year or so.......
 heading out through the gaps, the beam trawler Sapphire........
 FY registered inshore trawler, Innisfallen........
 number one in the port is just leaving.......
 around 8 of these boxes with what looks like aerials underneath are just one of the interesting developments inside the fish market at Newlyn; as to their purpose, rumours abound and include sophisticated fly killers, pigeon scaring devices, comms with the cafe for ordering bacon sarnies, improved mobile phone reception or even a computer fish auction - perhaps a bit far fetched some of these rumours.......
 so it's time to mull over these and other pressing thoughts for the day with some tea and toast in the Mission......
 as the punts head in from a mornings work.........
shopping on the roadside.