
Monday 16 April 2012

Still waters

Like a bird on the wire......
heralds a promising start to the day......
maybe it will be a little warmer too......
there's still a few bass showing with the line caught boats.....
and some good sized turbot with the beam trawlers......
and a smattering of not so common black bream........
back in action again, the top quality line caught boat, Sea Spray has put ashore a trip of immaculate pollock.......
the weekend's line caught mackerel is sold in the chill room.....
regular visitor, the Admiral Gordon from Plymouth is ready for sea......
old gillnet is bundled up and all ready for re-cycling..........
no sign or re-cycled goods here at the second phase of Helen Feiler's new gallery.......
'a fine catch' is now on view opposite the fish market.