
Monday 16 April 2012

Sticking it out, or not?

The green pointer indicates the approximate position of the Ajax - around 158 miles west of Penzance as the crow flies.
The latest Inmarsat C update from the netter Ajax:
 "AjaxAH32 100bxs Hake and 20w/fish aboard weather poor for next few days position 50.23N..09.07W SSW 4-6"
 doesn't give the full story. With a worsening shipping forecast from the Met office:
Gale warnings - Issued: 1519 UTC Mon 16 Apr Southwesterly gale force 8 imminent, veering westerly soon Shipping Forecast - Issued: 1625 UTC Mon 16 Apr Wind South veering west or southwest, 6 to gale 8, perhaps severe gale 9 later. Sea State Moderate, becoming very rough or high, then very high in west later. Weather Rain then showers. Visibility Moderate, occasionally poor. 
 - the skipper, along with all the other boats fishing in the area will have to make a decision whether or not to stay out at sea and dodge if and when the weather makes fishing impossible - or face the long steam back to Newlyn, or possibly a closer port like Baltimore in Ireland, for refuge. With over 12 hours time to steam to port, and another 12 hours to steam back out it can be better to stick out the weather, dodge and let the front pass through. However, with it giving Force 9 the chances are the boats will elect to make a run for home!