
Monday 12 March 2012

Newlyn School of Art in the Telegraph

Writing for The Telegraph, Max Davidson embarks on a three day landscape painting course with a difference and gets to spend some of the time down the harbour in Newlyn before heading back to the studio to complete the artistic adventure. Under the wing of local artist Mark Spray, Max and his fellow paint adventurers clamber over rocky cliffs and get down and dirty in the process.

Those closely familiar with Newlyn's local drinkeries and eateries will no doubt have in mind some of the characters alluded to in the story.........."that gives the town its character. Colourful boats of every description bob up and down in the harbour; the woman in the chip shop has a sea horse the size of a haddock tattooed on her arm; while the regulars at the Swordfish pub look like characters from Moby Dick, gnarled and weather-beaten. Cats slink down cobbled streets, lured by the smell of rotting mackerel"...............

Max was more than impressed with the inspiring nature of the course leader and facilities 'up Paul Hill' at the old Newlyn Board School - now known as the Newlyn School of Art run by Henry Garfitt. A great way to explore and be inspired by the area and enjoy getting those creative juices flowing!