
Thursday 22 March 2012

Cuttlefish in Tomato in Wine sauce - nice one Sophie!

 Cuttlefish are one of those fishes from the sea almost guaranteed to provoke a 'yeuk!' reaction from many if not presented in a prepared sanitised form, which is a real shame because just like squid, they are delicious when cooked well........
 after pulling out the head and insides - using two fingers pushed down the 'backbone' - the next job is to remove the membrane from the outside of the body - takes a little practice to 'pick up' the membrane from an edge.......
 be sure to look for the ink sac - easily identifiable by the shiny silvery lining as seen above....... 
 pop the sac into a small pot of water - if the sac is really big reduce the amount used by half (can be frozen and used next time to prepare pasta nera (black pasta) - the strength of flavour from one of these sacs will easily do a whole dish for 4........
 the ink itself is gritty to touch when being squeezed from the sac (if you must, wear your marigolds - just don't snap the wrist)........
 once mixed you now have a pot of sepia ink - and yes, if you are inclined, you can use it as ink to write or draw being as that is exactly what it has been used for for hundreds of years.......
 take of the tentacles from just above the eyes - squeeze out the beak........
 after the initial cooking stage which involves sweating down onion and garlic (try shallots and/or red onion as well) a tin of toms and a good glass of red wine and a squeeze of tom puree or dried tom puree or chopped dried toms the dish is then covered and stewed gently for a good hour........
 this recipe comes from Sophie Grigson, who at one time was a regular visitor to Newlyn.......
 serve on a bed of pasta (nera if wanted) along with peas or broad beans and some hot ciabatand most ta rolls...... 
and if you can get hold of a copy, highly recommended is her book too, written with better half William Black - one of the best fish cook books going - and a bargain from the charity shop at £1.49!