
Wednesday 22 February 2012

Evidence and Issues summary of consultation responses report Inbox x

Evidence and Issues Report for the East Inshore and East Offshore marine plan areas.

The final Evidence and Issues Report 2012 was published on 7 February 2012 following the consultation on the draft verison of the report between 24 November 2011 and 10 January 2012. We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback and comments, which we have taken into consideration and amended the report where appropriate. 

The report looks at the data we are using to inform our marine planning decisions, and also highlights issues and opportunities for a range of marine activities. The report includes: the evidence we are taking account of in marine planning our assessment of the evidence interactions between marine sectors and options for co-location emerging issues we need to take account of in marine planning. The report also includes the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Scoping Report formal consultation (required under the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive). 

We have combined the SA scoping requirements with the other material in the report to reduce the number of documents at this stage in the marine planning process. 

Overview Report (PDF 40.9 MB) 
Chapter 1: Introduction and background (PDF 559 KB) 
Chapter 2: Evidence gathering (PDF 2.4 MB) 
Chapter 3: Introduction and approach to the sustainability appraisal process (PDF 113 KB) 
Chapter 4: Key activities (PDF 46.7 MB) 
Chapter 5: Interactions – between multiple activities and between activities and environment (PDF 19.5 MB) 
Chapter 6: Social, economic and environmental issues (PDF 14.5 MB) 

Annexes (PDF 12.5 MB)
Glossary (PDF 36 KB) 
Acronym list (PDF 68 KB)

The relevant page on the MMO site is here:

The report is underpinned by a range of documents and other information sources. Please contact us at if you would like to talk to us about the following areas of the report: