
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Padstow Festival on air on fish - Rick Stein on sustainability.

Padstow gill netter, PW1 Berlewen.

Pastow's fourth Christmas Festival proved highly successful when it ran over last weekend and featured fish like never before. The list of chefs giving support and taking time out away from their own establishments to give a series of demonstrations in the giant food marquee on the harbour side read like a Who's Who of south west fish chefs. 

New to this year's festival was a Fishing Forum with key members of the industry given an open forum to inform and discuss the latest in fishing news and the future with interested members of the public. Radio Cornwall were there talking to industry people live on air and recorded one of the first interviews with Rick Stein giving his personal view of the restaurant trade and its relationship to sustainable fishing. The BBC iPlayer for Radio Cornwall needs the adjustable timeline setting to 1:07:40 seconds in (Debbie McCrory sitting in on Martin Bailie's show) when you can hear local Newlyn fisherman turned industry consultant, Nathan de Rozariaux talking fish ahead of the Rick Stein interview.

Nathan listens patiently to Grimmy Mike in the Mission at Newlyn over an early morning cuppa.