
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Inside Out in Newlyn.

Regional BBC Tv programme Inside Out ran a story on Monday evening covering the ongoing saga of the Harbour Commissioners at Newlyn.

The programme came on the back of the apparent paralysis of the NPHC chairman Gilbert Mcabe to be forthcoming publicly - to date, their own web site has not been updated since May 20011 - in that time two commissioners have been 'sacked' and a third not considered for re-election, no sound of a public announcement or sign of an alternative to the £5million plus development plan that was ditched last year as promised in the new year (ie January gone) and increasing disquiet amongst many of those in the port that yet again the interests of a few are clouding the judgment of those supposedly at the helm of the port. The names of the three new board members are supposed to be being made public this week - check the NPHC web site for more details.

"This new website and the meetings of the Commission in public are an expression of the open and transparent way in which the Commission will be conducting this vital and important opportunity for Newlyn in the 21st Century."

For the first time in many years, Brixham overtook Newlyn and is once again England's largest fishing port. Despite being much smaller ports at one time, both Brixham and Plymouth have invested in new fish markets and auction systems with obvious results.

Despite this the port is still doing very well thank you very much as the fleet continues to take advantage of improved fishing and greater marketing opportunities in some areas. In recent times, several skippers and owners have invested in the future and more boats have joined the local fleet - including a modern beam trawler for the Nowell family and two netters (one being the biggest in the UK) and a new build (the biggest UK ring netter) as well as several other new builds nearing completion - ironically, most of these new boats choose to land their fish through Plymouth or even French fish markets.

In 2012 - when it is technically possible to buy fish, live, online on your mobile phone on most significant UK and European fish auctions - all these and other boats are looking for in Newlyn is a fish market capable of handling their fish to the highest quality standards and fetching the highest possible price - which, given its remote location must include the internet.

Over to you Gilbert.