
Thursday 1 December 2011

Here next - or when is a trend not a trend?

From a fisherman near you - "was this the pollock you ordered sir?"
Here's an extract from a food web site across the pond. What happens there in the world of conumerism is bound to happen here - sooner or later - and in some respects already has. With fuel price hikes continuing to force retail operators to look for alternative ways to cut costs, sourcing more and more produce locally can only increase and play a more imprtant key role in the distribution of food - and fish supplies fit the bill to a tee in many cases:

"Sometimes big changes come in small packages. It might not seem like a big deal when Sterno cleans up the fuel that has warmed a million buffet pans. Or when a diner can consult their smartphone to find the source of the fish on their plate.
But take these small changes together, and a trend emerges: Sustainable dining is becoming self-sustaining. Instead of hot new technologies, what observers see for the coming year is the unspectacular but steady growth of an infrastructure to support green dining. It’s getting easier and easier to find the products and the know-how, and to communicate it all to your customers.
“The biggest trend is that this thing is not a trend,” says Michael Oshman, CEO of the Boston-based Green Restaurant Association, which certifies 470 green restaurants nationwide. “It’s here to stay.” Here are some key pieces of the emerging sustainability infrastructure:
Sustainable products - Sustainable know-how - Sustainable menu information

See the rest of the article here.