
Monday 5 December 2011

AIS trails Plot Star 1994.

The aerial seen on the foremast at the start of the clip is for the new AIS system being trialled on the Pilot Star - 1994.

 An early incarnation of AIS was trialled aboard the Newlyn netter, Pilot Star skippered by owner Martin Johns. At one time, Martin was invited to London to se AIS working on a huge display screen - bet he never dreamt he would be using a mobile phone to do the same a few years later - in context, 1994 was a year before Microsoft released Windows 95 and bundled Internet Explorer with it - most schools, colleges and universities only had access to the internet in specialised teaching rooms for ~IT students. A few people at home tangled with 14Kb dial-up internet access - if they were able to configure the settings! Texting on a mobile phone was introduced in 1994.