
Friday 25 November 2011

Hake - keep it simple.

Pan fried hake on ratatouile.
Olly oil - a big dollop or three....
add garlic sliced to taste along with an aubergine diced into 1" cubes to hot olly oil - heat till coloured......
add a good teaspoon or more (to taste and colour) of paprika and a dash of tabasco.....
add a dash of water at any time if the pan dries.......
add two crudely chopped peppers and two chopped toms......
add a dash of water if the pan dries......
the fish will take 10 minutes at the most to fry off, skin side down first till the skin is crispy, turn over for the last few minutes or pop under a grill, or in a hot oven......
garnish the rats with basil.......
simple and quick.