
Wednesday 12 October 2011

Damanaki meets small-scale fishermen.

Today, Commissioner Damanaki met representatives of small-scale fishermen in Paris, representing some of the 160 organisations that signed a declaration supporting the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy in ways which ensure the recovery of fish stocks and habitats, the promotion of best practice, a just allocation of fishing access based on social and environmental criteria, and an equitable distribution of the benefits derived from these activities.

There was the immediate response from the industry, as reported by Le Telegramme: (translation courtesy of Dr Google)

RĂ©forme de la pĂȘche. Un dialogue de sourds

(Fisheries reform. A dialogue of swords)
Commissioner Damanaki has stopped over in Paris yesterday, to "listen, to discuss" with the actors in the fisheries sector. However, yesterday in the Assembly, it was a dialogue of the deaf. "In Brussels, we are not deaf" is what Maria Damanaki, European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries came to say yesterday in Paris. After a meeting with the Minister of Ecology and Transportation, NKM, she stopped at the maritime cluster, then to the Assembly which met for the occasion the deputies and senators Wed group is one that the champion of the "blue growth" meant, she said, listen and discuss. 
Maria Damanaki is she aware of the rejection of its proposals on the reform of the CFP? "I am informed, she said, the reaction of France, including the ITQ (individual transferable quotas). "I look forward, says the Commissioner to discuss with the French government to listen to their proposals, especially what is the strengthening of Producer Organisations (POs).
Furious Damage, Maria Damanaki could not meet Bruno Le Maire yesterday: Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries was not in Paris. To reporters, the Commissioner was very clear: Brussels can not give money to the sector, it is not possible, she says, especially in the middle of a crisis. Pierre-Georges Dachicourt, president of the National Committee of Fisheries reiterated that French fishermen were also for a sustainable and responsible fisheries. But not the way Brussels wants! The maximum sustainable yield, on the release, there is total disagreement on the calendar. As for monetizing quotas, ITQs accept, it would be the death of fisheries, including artisanal. In the maritime cluster, we felt as a possible opening on the calendar. In the Assembly, it was not the case at all! Gwendal Rouillard, Socialist deputy of Morbihan was even yesterday in "a rage" at the end of meeting with Maria Damanaki. "It went wrong. This is a total failure, "he has said. "What does the Commissioner? The maintenance of ITQs. She does not want to move the calendar. " On the social? "No response," says the MP. The deep-sea fishing, an important port as Lorient? "This move along, nothing to see," says Gwendal Rouillard. 
 "Fighting Front" "The future of the French fishing industry is at stake," said the member who Damanaki warned: "We will have a battle front. We will not let ourselves do it! "